
Sunday, February 21, 2016

How to get friend ip address from Facebook or Chat? :)

ok .. so after long time my new post is on! way to get ip address of your friend computer from Facebook or other chat services like Gtalk,yahoo,Skype etc…
ohhh .. i know you are thinking that how this possible … but anything is possible in term of computer … but to do something you need a mind  :P ..
ok leave it .. now  i will show you real trick ..
Follow me …. ;)
Step1:- First signup on free hosting site like my3gb, x10Hosting etc…
Step2:- now open text editor in your system and copy paste the following code and save it with .php extension …

$dt = date(“l dS \of F Y h:i:s A”);
$data = $ip.’ ‘.$dt.”\n”;
fwrite($file, $data);
header( ‘Location:.....;) ;

ohhh .. now you thinking that, what this code does do ..  nothing just grabbing the ip of your victim .. Step3:- now copy the file url and shorten it with the Services like “bitly” or etc …
Step4:- Send the link which you get to your victim .. and just wait to open it ..
Step5:- now go back and see the ip_address.txt . to get ip…

yup .. so finally you got the ip address … but now what you do with it …
nothing just trace it or exploit it with backtrack …
:) happy hacking :)
note:- in case if ip_address.txt was no created automatically .. than create it manually and then try again …

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